Welcome 2021!  I’m so excited for a new year and the potential for new beginnings a new year brings.  It’s at this time of year that my thoughts turn toward doing something healthy, like a cleanse or detox and getting my eating habits back in order.  But, I also like to do a reset in terms of my spiritual practices.  For me, that’s a Chakra Balance meditation practice, and I like to do a longer version every day for about 1-2 weeks, until I really feel the light and strength in all my chakras humming, and then I revert to just literally tuning in and lighting myself up each day, a practice that only takes about 10 minutes.  

For over two decades now I have been working with, writing about, exploring, cleansing, clearing, balancing, meditating on, and creating meditations for and through the chakras.  Each and every time I discover something new about myself, usually an old way of being resurfacing that needs attending to.

The chakras are a system of energy we hold in our body that we can use as a map to help us find those areas we feel stuck.  When we feel out of sorts or unbalanced, we hold this energy in our body, and when left unattended, it becomes uncomfortable to our physical body, affecting our mood, personality, and even our health.

This is where Chakra Balancing comes in.  Our chakras govern everything we do.  They receive and transmit life force energy – keeping our mental, spiritual and physical body in balance.  As the chakras move in a spiralling motion, they correspond to different colours, sounds and elements.  They correspond to the glands in the endocrine system and even to bodily processes such as digesting, breathing, and procreating. 

 We have 7 major chakras and this is what my meditation will be focusing on.  The colours of each chakra are based on the science of the light spectrum – the colours of the rainbow.  When each chakra is open and balanced they radiate a full spectrum of light, and the pleasant feeling associated with each centre fills you.  These seven rainbow colours in essence represent the full spectrum of your human possibility.  As you learn about your chakras you begin to recognize responses that have become programmed or hardwired into your body, your nervous system, even your muscular system.  Recognizing this information then helps you to learn where you can make positive changes in your life and your way of being moving forward.

Here’s my longer version meditation for you to enjoy to help restore the balance and strength in your chakras and to your every day life. The meditation is 30 minutes long so be sure to set this amount of time aside for you to listen to the meditation undisturbed.

