Spring is here!  It’s a new season, and this year, at least here in Ontario, Spring has burst forth very early.  With sunny skies and the warmer temperatures we’ve experienced for over a month now, new growth can be spotted everywhere.  The trees are starting to bud, perennials are shooting up, the smells from the warmer earth are all around us, and my favourite, waking up to the sound of birdsong.  Spiritually, the first signs of spring have to do with the death of winter giving way to this new life we see emerging.  For nature, renewing herself through dying is how she is reborn.  The spring equinox brings with it a powerful urge to not only take care of the earth at this time of new growth but also to take care of ourselves.  It’s the perfect time to shed any limiting or toxic behaviours.  During this time of tremendous growth, let’s all take care to protect the delicate seedlings (ideas, new goals and wishes) we’ve nurtured over the past few months, and allow them to emerge from the depths of winter.  It’s now time to honour the fiery energy of new life within and all around us.  For me, this is when my thoughts turn to doing a Spring cleanse.  We’ve all heard of the term Spring Cleaning.  Well, why not take the time to do this for yourself?  A cleansing for renewal and new growth, of your thoughts, your feelings, your behaviours, and your body.  Cleanse all aspects of your life to let your soul shine through.

 I’ve been doing cleanses for well over 30 years.  It first started in my early 20’s when my twin sister and I would do a monthly juice fast for 3 days.  We would start on a Saturday by drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices for two days, and then break the fast Monday morning by eating a soothing homemade vegetable soup all day, followed by plant based whole foods for dinner that evening, and mostly a vegetarian diet for a few days, slowly introducing our regular foods back into our diet.  I’m not sure I can fully express how wonderful this monthly “time out” period was for us.  Lots of rest, spending time together, and essentially winding down so that our mind and our bodies could heal.  People would always comment on how our skin looked so much smoother, brighter and clean.  We always felt renewed and energized.  For me, my digestion system was soothed and we both always felt so much more focused yet at peace.  It’s hard to explain but we loved the benefits of this monthly ritual so much that we continued doing it for several years.  Then, of course, life got in the way.  Marriage, kids, jobs that took us away from being able to have “time outs”.  But it wasn’t long until I found a way to bring cleansing back into my life.  Even just starting the day with the juice of half a lemon in a glass of warm water is an easy way to help detox your system.  It’s also very alkalizing, and a small way of taking time to connect with yourself and feel like you’re doing something healing at the same time. 

 So what exactly is a cleanse?  There are many different kinds of cleanses, some specific and very detailed to a health issue.  For purposes of this article, I find myself drawn to going on a cleanse when I start to notice my diet going a little awry, and I’m tending to have cravings for the wrong sorts of foods, such as sugar, carbs and my downfall, potato chips.  For me, going on a cleanse cuts those cravings out and it really gives me peace of mind to not be ruled by cravings.  The gentle cleanse I refer to is a system of eliminating certain (toxic) foods from your diet to help your body flush out a build up of toxins.  Foods such as alcohol, soda, caffeine, dairy, anything white and starchy, anything saturated fat, heavy meats, processed foods and anything that comes in a box or package, and any food you are sensitive, intolerant or allergic to.  Lol, I’m just realizing some may not consider that easy or gentle!!  Essentially, you’re eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and/or juices, bone broths, herbal teas, whole grains and if you’re a meat eater and active like me, lighter types of meat such as fish and chicken, saturating your body with lots of fresh and healthy nutrients.  I will usually add some sort of an herbal supplement to support the cleanse.  One of my favourites is Flor-Essence by the brand Flora.  Check out www.florahealth.com.   FlorEssence® is a traditional herbal formula developed to gently cleanse the whole body at the cellular level.  You simply add a teaspoon of the herbal juice to a small glass of warm water 3 times a day to help promote a gentle flushing of your system.  I generally do this cleanse for around 10 -14 days, so it’s not intolerable.  The most difficult part for me is cutting out caffeine, and you may feel a little tired for the first couple days as your body flushes out toxins.  But the good thing is this is a sign the cleanse is working.  Your skin, one of the body’s largest organs, benefits immensely.  It immediately looks softer and brighter, cleaner.  Your digestive system is given a break, allowing it to heal and better absorb nutrients in the future.  You feel more focused and energized.  You’re giving your organs a rest and you’re cleansing your blood.  You lose your cravings as chemicals from the packaged foods we get addicted to so easily are flushed from the body.  And yes, a great side effect of a cleanse is that you’ll shed a few pounds. 

 Some people may argue that our body is already designed to detox and so why go to all the effort of a cleanse?  My answer to that is you’re absolutely right!  Our body is doing so much for us everyday.  And, our body IS designed to detox daily.  Especially the kidney and liver, they do a remarkable job at filtering and eliminating toxins on a daily basis.  However, doing a seasonal cleanse is like giving your body a jumpstart, or a reset, and can actually stimulate your liver and other organs to get rid of toxins and promotes deeper toxin elimination through your feces, urine and even sweat.  I often notice a few little white “pimples” on my arms and legs during a cleanse, and I recognize this as my skin’s way of flushing out toxic waste.  As well, you’re not going on a cleanse just for the purposes of your phsyical well being.  There are so many other reasons why we cleanse.  Your mental and emotional well being greatly benefit from a cleanse or detox.  The act of taking care of your diet automatically brings you in tune to what the rest of your body needs, gently and with grace. 

 Some tips:


  • Exercise greatly helps toxins to be flushed more quickly, but now is the time to exercise gently.  Long, meditative walks or a jog, or something like yoga.  Pay attention if slowing down in your work out is difficult for you.  If you have an overactive mind or an overdriven personality, this may be a difficult thing for you to do, and a sign your body is in need of rebalancing.  
  • Take the time to cleanse your body in new ways.  Dry brushing is a ritual to stimulate and move lymph fluid in the system, our bodies system of removal that helps detoxify by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph flow/drainage. Dry brushing also unclogs pores in the exfoliation process and stimulates your nervous system which can make you feel invigorated afterward.
  • Take an epsom salt bath.  Epsom salt baths activate fluid movement in the tissues and increases perspiration.  Epsom salts detoxify your entire body but also relaxes your muscles.  Try adding some relaxing essential oils to your bath for some added relaxation.
  • Get regular sleep during a cleanse.  You’re going to feel a little more tired, especially in the beginning.  And, you’re going to be drawn to more “me” time.  This is the time to let your body rest.  It’s healing and regenerating to go through a cleansing period.  Let it happen.

 And then, we move into the heart of the cleanse.  All this hard work you’re doing internally, letting your physical body heal naturally, leads to a quiet journey within.  Your thoughts and feelings rise to the surface.  Every thing that’s going on in your life is brought into focus.   As we naturally slow down and rest during a cleanse, it’s the perfect time to let yourself quietly attune within, to “spring clean” this area of your life as well, letting go of all those things no longer serving you. 

 Some added tips to gently guide you:


  • Meditating during a cleanse is lovely, and you’ll be surprised at how easily you can fall in to meditation at this time.  And, you’ll be surprised as to what comes through for you.  Always trust your inner guidance and what it’s telling you.  As your body is eliminating toxins, your mind and emotions too are naturally letting go, allowing toxic thoughts and feelings to come through to the surface, ready for elimination, often at a more clear and faster pace than what you’re used to.  Let it happen.  Meditating at this time is a beautiful way of slowing down, going deeper within and connecting to new levels within yourself.  It will help you identify and become aware of areas in your life that are no longer working.  Without judging.  Just simply observing.
  • Now is the time to pay attention to any negativity in your life.  Listen to your thoughts.  Pay close attention to what you’re telling yourself and any negative self talk that may be lingering.  Replace that conversation with one that includes a sense of love, and understanding and acceptance with yourself.  
  • What about toxic relationships in your life?   When evaluating what’s toxic in your life, look at not only what you’re eating, but what (or who) is eating you!  And then work to finding ways of cleaning out what’s not working.  This means finding ways to be in the moment.  During this reset time, let yourself be right here, right now, in the moment.  You are exactly where you’re meant to be.  Carry a journal or simply jot down throughout the day what doesn’t feel aligned to your new way of being.  That’s it.  Simply acknowledging for now what feels toxic to you is a great place to start.  Say yes to new people and new situations to refocus your mind in new directions.  Make new friends and find new people to work with. Find ways to bring more joy and peace into your life.  Surround yourself with people and places you love and that inspire you. 

 Be prepared.  You’re going to love the changes that are about to happen for you.  In closing, when you’re feeling overwhelmed by your life, it’s time to cleanse.  When you’re feeling bloated and overweight, generally unhealthy and driven by cravings, it’s time to cleanse.  When you’re feeling out of sorts and a need to let go and not sure why, it’s time to cleanse.  This is your body’s way of telling you it’s time for a reset.  And this is YOU listening to what your body is trying to tell you.  Pay attention and listen.  

 We are now well into the energies of the Spring Equinox.  All is well.  Know, you are exactly where you are meant to be.  Take a deep breath and trust in your own True Self.  Pay attention to what you are being guided to do and take the steps YOU want to create your season of growth and abundance.

