We are entering the Summer Solstice period.

On this day we are at the peak.  The longest day of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere as we prepare for more light, longer days and the traditions of Summer.  Sumer Solstice marks the highest peak of the sun in the sky during her journey around the Earth.  We have reached the first half of this year 2020, marking a good time to reflect on the past six months and to bring in new light for the next six to go.  Solstice means “sun standing still” in Latin because the sun reaches its highest point on this day, it peaks, and briefly appears to not move.  Spiritually, the summer solstice marks a period for each of us to pause, for going within for deeper reflection.  I use the two Solstice quarters (winter and summer) as my time to do just this, a “check in”. What is coming up for me at this time?  For me, it’s always about the growth and what I need to do to let go of old ways of being in order to grow.

What has transpired for you this year, in the first half journey around the sun, this period known in yoga as the uttrarayama?  With the challenges that Covid has presented, and with the heat of the current social situation, we have all felt this weight taking its toll.  We’ve been struggling to find new ways of being, what we believe to be the right answers for right action as we try to solve the many issues surrounding us.  The toll is felt in our bodies – not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.  Aligned to the hottest expression of the element of fire, our sense of passion, will and drive are triggered at this time.  A time of moving outward and up – in our physical bodies (where many of us are feeling the strain), in our emotional realm (the emotional strain) and in our mental body (the whirlwind of thinking and trying to make things clear).  We are at a peak of standing up for what is right, for speaking up for those who have been wronged, the peak of demanding for change, and a time of healing for any who have fallen sick or have been wounded in some way.  A time to seek right action, and to choose to walk in alignment with what you believe, but doing so in a truthful and healthy way to ensure this alignment is aligning to the rhythm of your heart, love, so that tension can leave your body.  As we cross this threshold of the summer solstice, the time for transition and integration begins – a pause to shift and get out of the overwhelm and confusion.  A time for learning from the challenges we’ve faced during these heated times, for incorporating these changes into our daily lives, a time for stepping up into a new existence that treats the world and all beings with loving kindness and acceptance.  This is not to say the battle is over, but allowing for integration helps create a new stepping stone to help us move forward.  And so take this time for a pause.  Take stock, so you don’t fall prey to burnout.  Take the time to look up in the sky and honour this moment.  In your life.  This is history in the making.

As the rays of the sun bathe us in light, everything becomes illuminated, the good and the bad.  Is there anything here that doesn’t serve you?  Include your health practices.  The foods you eat.  The words you choose to speak.  Your attitudes and judgements.  This half way point is the perfect time for these checks and balances, putting into balance any bad habits that tend to sneak into your daily life.  And nurture, nurture, nurture. For this year, I think we should all keep in mind to use this active energy in a more nurturing way.  Take the time to nurture yourself with self-care, such as being out in nature to help ground you, do some yoga, meditation, deep breathing, reflect on your gifts and talents and take whatever “me” time you need to recharge and balance.  I would even say this pause teaches us to stop chasing things, at least for a moment, and instead tap into your talents and give them your wholehearted attention.  Listen to what your heart and soul believes in.  What it stands for, what it resonates with.  Love, nurturing and kindness.  Forgiveness, acceptance and understanding.

Summer Solstice.  Her long, hot, and bright days promote growth and expansion.  Give thanks for the extra light and increased energy.  This is a day that has been celebrated since ancient times.  The day we celebrate the sun.  The peak of light. The energies of the summer solstice last for another quarter turn into the Fall Equinox. These long, sunny days that can so powerfully remind us of the light within each of us and the full potential of who we are.

For those of us who take this time honouring the change of seasons, understand that what we are recognizing and honouring is the journey of the sun throughout the year.  The summer solstice is the final climax of this journey.  The day of most light in the year as she pauses and stands still for a moment before her return back to shorter days.  And, as much as the fiery element of the sun motivates us to move into action, the deeper meaning behind this day is to slow down, to nurture, to take time to “smell the roses”.  Tune in to the slower rhythm of longer days.  Let yourself relax and let go for a moment, let go of the push and the need to do.  Allow for what has been established these past few months to naturally reach their fullness without a lot of further effort on your part.  The seeds of spring have been planted.  Take some time now to tend your garden.

As the sun reaches her time of peaking, allow the same to happen within you.  She now begins her journey back, with shorter days and slowly less sunshine.  These summer months under the rays of the warm sun are beautiful and bright.  Take in the light.  Celebrate it.  Recognize the significance of this year 2020 and the opportunity it presents to embrace a moment of change.

Be the light that you are.